US Military Intel Sex Trafficking Op Exposed

Link to Lawsuit Sent to James Edward Boasberg on July 25/26, 2024: 



v. Case Number: ______________





I, Jessica Leigh Collins, the living mother of Aisha Kathleen Zughbieh-Collins, who was murdered at age eighteen on February 15th, 2017, present this document to the abuses we suffer under the control of People working for The United States of America, herein Defendants. This cause of action requires an immediate injunction to halt the false charges against me, Jessica, which is continue the abuse to silence truth proven in the following, and receive the restitution for recover of my life.


  1. My daughter, Aisha, and I are the specific victims of Jeffrey Epstein, who People working for the U.S Government are coverup to conceal the involvement of President Joseph Biden, and People working for the U.S. Agencies, including in the FBI, CIA, and State Police Departments who use force, coercion and fraud to sex traffic American women and their children.

  1. My daughter, and I suffer sex trafficking by force and coerce of People working for the U.S. Government, resulting in massive coverups and plots against our life. Aisha’s murder in 2017, was due to her trafficking to President Joe Biden at age eleven or twelve (exact date unknown to Jessica due to the coverup), video of which is available on the internet. 

  1. I, Jessica have suffer constant stalking and abuse by People aiding U.S. Government fraud, which led to false arrests every election year, since speaking out, and defamation to discredit and silence me, despite my testimony proving facts. People working for POLITICO Magazine, further defame with false claims of inauthenticity regarding video of Aisha while a child with Joe Biden. 

  1. The coverup of Jeffrey Epstein's operations in Washington D.C. conceal the fact that former Maryland Police Chief Edward Norris, CIA Executive Director Kyle Fagoo, and FBI Agent Deborah Palfrey are involvement. These indictments show a clear pattern of racketeering crime, fabricating deaths for purposes of evasion. Likewise, they show the fraudulent court cases, false media portrayal of accomplices playing the roles of victims, and further sex trafficking by force, coercions and fraud against the actual victims.

  1. People working for the U.S. Government are in violation of the Law of the Land by United States Code, and the Constitutional Bill of Rights, Amendments One through Ten. People working on behalf of the U.S. are operating a criminal regime, engaging in sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud against me and my daughter. The purpose is for blackmail, profit, and control, victimizing both me and Aisha, murdering her, and are planning my murder. 

  1. The fraudulent court cases that relate Jeffrey Epstein, Alphabay, the Catholic Archdiocese, and false accusations against Jessica, are integral parts of the ongoing coverup, concealing the truth about Jessica and Aisha’s sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud by People conspiring with the U.S. Government. Jessica documents these facts and proves why the false narratives in media outlets and U.S. Government are inconclusive; the sentiments of the larger population of People.

  1. All future discussions regarding these facts are to take place through digital technology devices to ensure accurate record keeping, transparency, justice, and ensure Jessica’s safety away from People working for the United States of America who mean her harm proven in past experiences throughout this ordeal and coverup.


Jessica Leigh Collins is sovereign over her life, however People violate her sacrosanct rights, causing her to document invoking the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Amendment Rights guaranteed in the Constitution for The United States of America, which is the Law of the Land where Jessica lives, further revoking and refuting any assumption or presumption of employment by the U.S. Government. 

  1. Jessica calls herself Jessica, the name given by her mother and father. Plaintiff is a term used by People working under U.S. Government fraud. For identification purposes, Jessica Leigh Collins is the daughter of Eugene Jake Collins and Carol Yu Collins, and the mother of Aisha Kathleen Zughbieh-Collins and Perry Sidney Collins. Her immediate family members include, Kathleen Au Fisher, Kenneth Mark Fisher and Julia Fisher (known as Julia Coleman), and brother, Aaron Thomas Collins, husband to Gina Collins. All live in the Washington D.C. and immediate surrounding areas.

  1. Jessica writes this document in common, modern-day English, not the formal language known as legalese. Jessica faces these dire circumstances alone, because lawyers, U.S. Agencies, and organization are complicit, or unwilling to defy criminal activity due to risks to their lives and careers. All People purporting assistance to Jessica, have done so through fraud to profit from aiding abuse by defamation, and hinder Jessica’s right to justice, further endangering her life. 

  1. Jessica documents these crimes under extreme duress from People engaging in a conspiracy to obstruct, using intimidation, deceit, false allegations and other criminal racketeering crimes against her, including plans of murder, by traps of communist usurpation by People operating The United States of America.

  1. The woman calling herself jessica leigh collins, herein refers to Jessica, or Jessica Leigh Collins for clarity, specifies that reference to her, is all lowercase letters to signify no loss of standing or status as deriving Law from Roman Law and U.S. American Law, however, for the sake of consistency, Jessica designates the living woman throughout this document. Further, Jessica’s daughter, aisha kathleen zughbieh-collins, refers to Aisha. 

  1. Jessica Leigh Collins, herein documents facts of severe abuse she and her daughter, Aisha, suffer by force and coercion of sex trafficking, abduction, and victimization, including murder plots against their lives, by People working for The U.S. Government in clear and provable violation of Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), both of which prosecute perpetrators and suppose protection for victims of such crimes.

  1. Due to Jessica’s divulgence of being trafficked to Jeffrey Epstein and Joe Biden by Deborah Palfrey, known in media as ‘The DC Madam’, alongside former Maryland Police Chief Edward Norris, and their accomplices the CIA, and FBI, they charge false crimes each election year, and engage in stalking, property theft and damages, and other severe abuses against her rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

  1. Opinions regarding Jessica’s character are irrelevant. This document is factual regarding circumstances, laws, and causes of harm. Subjective opinions and beliefs, regardless of expertise claims are baseless and without merit. It's crucial to note that lawyers abuse psychiatric fraud to silence People who expose crimes. Defamation against Jessica is a significant issue that requires redress in the false accusations brought against her.

  1. For safety reasons, Jessica's location remains confidential, and communications are to be sent to 2660 Merlin Court, Odenton, MD 21113, and by email to, or through agreement upon future methods.


The United States of America is the Defendant as a whole, which incorporates the People it employs, whom commit crimes against Jessica, herein Defendants. The abbreviation U.S. is refers to The United States of America. Exhibit A provides a comprehensive list of each Defendant herein, along with the crimes they commit and describes their criminal actions. 

Jessica Leigh Collins identifies People working for The United States of America that employ on abuse upon her and her daughter, Aisha. Primary Perpetrators are People using force, coercion and fraud to sex traffick Jessica and her daughter. Co-Conspirators are People collaborating or conspiring with them. Ancillary People play a secondary role, either by concealing these crimes or engaging in stalking, property damage, theft and other crimes against Jessica and her daughter. The Government Agencies listed are led by People who engage in the coverup by aiding and abetting. While most of the People who commit these crimes are known, other People are to be found by discovery. Anyone evading justice by concealing their locations, or changing identities are discoverable through investigations into the facts herein. People with an asterisk, or asterisks (*) have additional informational notes about them.



Primary Perpetrators:

  • Jeffrey Edward Epstein*, former owner of J. Epstein & Company, from New York
  • David Vitter, Lawyer, former Louisiana Senator
  • Joesph Robinette Biden Jr., President for The United States of America
  • Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, Lawyer, former Attorney General
  • Paul Huang, Lawyer associate of Deborah Palfrey and Edward Norris
  • Montgomery Blair Sibley, Lawyer associate of Deborah Palfrey and Edward Norris
  • Terrell Lee Gravely Jr.*, Federal Informant from Lynchburg, Virginia
  • Joseph Lewis Allbritton*, Silent owner of POLTICO Magazine 
  • Julian Paul Assange**, Born July 3, 1971, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
  • Edward Joseph Snowden, Born June 21, 1983, Elizabeth City, North Carolina 
  • William Henry Gates III, Co-founder Microsoft Corporation
  • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, CEO, Meta Platforms Inc.
  • Jeffrey Preston Bezos, CEO, Inc.
  • John Sidney McCain III*, Former U.S. Arizona Senator
  • Robert Hunter Biden, Lawyer, son to President Joseph Biden
  • Stephen Miller, Former President Donald Trumps’ Senior Advisor
  • Pharrell Lanscilo Williams, Singer
  • Harvey Weinstein,  Film Producer
  • Samuel T. Perkins, Steptoe and Johnson, LLC, former Partner Lawyer, 2863 Chesapeake St NW Washington, District of Columbia 
  • Joseph Francis Auletta, Retired United States Air Force, Contractor for CIA
  • David D. Burch, Retired Marine, State Department, 4020 Shallow Brook Ln Olney, MD 20832 
  • Rodney Mickel, Photographer, Fort Washington, Maryland


  • Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell, Co-conspirator of Jeffrey Epstein
  • Edward Thomas Norris, Former Superintendent of the Maryland State until 2003
  • Deborah Jeane Palfrey, Also known as Jenny Marie Moore, Accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein
  • Kyle Dustin Foggo, Executive Director of the CIA, Accomplice of Deborah Palfrey 
  • Virginia Louise Giuffre, née Virginia Roberts, co-conspirator of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
  • Sarah Anne Ransome, Co-conspirator of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
  • Maria Ann Farmer, Co-conspirator of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
  • Kenneth and Kathleen Fisher, From Maryland, living in Washington D.C. area
  • Carol, Aaron and Gina Collins, Living in The State of Maryland


  • Andrew McCabe, Lawyer, former FBI Director 
  • Ron Rosenstein, Lawyer, former U.S. Deputy Attorney General
  • Anthony Gregory Brown, Attorney General of Maryland
  • Joseph Gamble, Talbot County Sheriff, Maryland 
  • Joseph Coale, Talbot County, Maryland District Attorney
  • Todd Wessell, Accomack County, Virginia Sheriff
  • Junius Spenser Morgan, Lawyer, Accomack County, Virginia District Attorney
  • William Revell Lewis, Judge, Accomack County, Virginia
  • Gordon Vincent, Judge, Accomack County, Virginia
  • Loretta A. Preska, Judge
  • Wayne Curtis Madsen, Journalist, Florida 
  • Satchel Ronan O'Sullivan Farrow, Known as Ronan Farrow, Journalist
  • Rick and Susan Wiles, Journalists, TruNews, Vero Beach, Florida
  • Christopher Lionel Dorsey, Independent Journalist
  • Edward Szall, Journalist, TruNews, Vero Beach, Florida
  • Alexander Emric Jones, Known as Alex Jones, Journalist, Info Wars
  • Jacari Jackson, Former Info Wars Journalist
  • Raymond Burkhart, TruNews Journalist
  • Ed Opperman, President, Opperman Investigations Inc., Accurate Information Recovery, Journalist
  • George and Whitney Alyse Webb, Journalist
  • Shawn Edward Atwood, Journalist
  • Zhang Yiming, Owner Bytedance Inc.
  • Enrich Andersen, General Counsel at Bytedance/ TikTok
  • Gloria Rachel Bloom, Known as Gloria Allred, California Lawyer
  • David Boies III, Lawyer, Boies Schiller Flexner LLP
  • Bradley Jason Edwards, Lawyer, Representing Jeffery Epstein Victims  
  • Sigrid Caroline McCawley, Lawyer, Representing Jeffery Epstein Victims 
  • Lisa Abby Bloom, Lawyer, Representing Jeffery Epstein Victims 
  • Spencer Thomas Kuvin, Lawyer, Representing Jeffery Epstein Victims
  • Andrew DiBlasio, Millersville, Maryland Lawyer 
  • Daniel Miller, Virginian Beach, Virginia Lawyer
  • S.W. Dawson, Virginia Lawyer
  • Brittany Bak, Virginia 
  • John and Robin Kline, Pennsylvania
  • Edward Cadle, Virginia
  • Tommy Lee Jones, Actor
  • Tori Amos, Singer

Government Officials, and Agencies:

Central Intelligence Agency, known as the CIA:

  • William J. Burns, Current Director from 2021 to present
  • George Tenet, Former Director from 1997 to 2004
  • Porter Goss, Director from 2004 to 2006
  • Mike Pompeo, Director from 2017 to 2018
  • Gina Haspel, Director from 2018 to 2021

Federal Bureau of Investigation, known as the FBI:

  • Christopher Wray, Current Director from 2017 to present
  • Robert Mueller, Director from 2001 to 2013
  • James Comey, Director from 2013 to 2017
  • Andrew McCabe, Acting Director in 2017

Department of Homeland Security, known as DHS:

  • David Pekoske, Current Acting Secretary from 2021
  • Tom Ridge, Secretary from 2003 to 2005

Department of Justice, known as the DOJ:

  • Merrick Garland, Current Attorney General from 2021 to present
  • John Ashcroft, Attorney General from 2001 to 2005
  • Jeff Sessions, Attorney General from 2017 to 2018
  • William Barr, Attorney General from 2019 to 2020

Office of Inspector General, known as OIG:

  • Michael E. Horowitz, Current Inspector General from 2012 to present

Portland Police Department, known as the PPD:

  • Chuck Lovell, Chief of Police from 2019 to present
  • Danielle Outlaw, Chief of Police from 2017 to 2019

Multnomah County Medical Examiner's Office:

  • Sean Hurst, Chief Medical Examiner from 2021 to present
  • Karen Gunson, Chief Medical Examiner from 2003 to 2021

State of Maryland:

  • Robert Ehrlich, Governor from 2003 to 2007
  • Larry Hogan, Governor from 2015 to present

Talbot County: Talbot County, Maryland:

  • Joseph Gamble, Talbot County Sheriff
  • Kenneth Rush, Talbot County Officer 
  • Xavier Twine, Talbot County Officer

State of Virginia, Commonwealth of Virginia:

  • Mark Herring, Virginia Attorney General from 2014 to 2022
  • Jason Miyares, Virginia Attorney General from 2022 to present

Virginia Beach Correctional Center: 

  • Ken Stolle, Virginia Beach Sheriff

Northampton Virginia Jail: 

  • David Doughty Jr., Northampton County Sheriff

Accomack County, Virginia: 

  • Todd Wessells, Accomack County Sheriff
  • Junius Spenser Morgan, Accomack County District Attorney

Washington, D.C. United States of America

Corporate Entities:

  • Steptoe and Johnson LLP, Washington D.C.
  • Mountain Manor Treatment Center, 3800 Fredrick Avenue, Baltimore Maryland 21229
  • Catholic Archdiocese, Baltimore and Washington D.C. 
  • The Good Shepherd Services Catholic Charities, 4100 Maple Avenue, Halethorpe, Maryland 21227
  • Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation, Maryland
  • Storyful: Storyful Limited (Owned by News Corp)
  • ABC News: American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.
  • FOX News: Fox News Network, LLC
  • CNN: Cable News Network, Inc.
  • MSNBC: NBCUniversal Media, LLC
  • The New York Times: The New York Times Company
  • The Washington Post: WP Company LLC
  • NBC News: NBCUniversal Media, LLC
  • CBS News: CBS Broadcasting Inc.
  • The Baltimore Sun, David D. Smith and Armstrong Williams
  • Reuters: Thomson Reuters Corporation
  • Associated Press (AP): The Associated Press
  • Bloomberg News: Bloomberg L.P.
  • The Guardian: Guardian News & Media Limited
  • Wired Magazine, Advance Publications, Inc., owner Donald Newhouse
  • Alberto Ibargüen, CEO, Miami Herald: The Miami Herald Media Company
  • Sundar Pichai, CEO, Alphabet Inc., YouTube, Google, Alphabet Inc.
  • Brian L. Roberts, CEO, Comcast Corporation, Comcast Cable
  • Mike Sievert, T-Mobile US, Inc., T-Mobile
  • Brian Moynihan, CEO, Bank of America Corporation, Bank of America
  • Jamie Dimon, CEO, JPMorgan Chase Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Hans Vestberg, CEO, Verizon Communications Inc., Verizon
  • Dennis Fox, Chincoteague Bay Trails End Association Inc. 


  • Elizabeth Lily, Retired Doctor, Annapolis, Maryland  
  • James Wilber Griffith, Edgewater, Maryland 
  • Elena Hardy Allbritton, daughter of Joseph and Barbara Allbritton, Doctor, Maryland
  • Robert L. And Elsa Allbritton, Owner of Politico, son-in-law of Joseph Allbritton
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin**
  • Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska**
  • Ehtsham Zia, from Pakistan, living in The State of Maryland 
  • Tom Pyles, Former Annapolis, Maryland Police Officer
  • John Garvey, President, The Catholic University of America 
  • Vyt Gricius, Former 2002 Dean of Architecture, Catholic University of America
  • Dawn Lindsay, President, Anne Arundel Community College
  • Karl McDonnell, CEO of Strategic Education/ Strayer University
  • Gerald W. Schwartz, Chairman, Onex Corporation, Steiner Leisure Limited, Steiner Education Group, Baltimore School of Massage

*Note: Single asterisk signifies people alleging death, who require investigation, due to substantial proof showing evasion of justice through changes in identity, with aid of people working for the Justice Department and media companies.

**Note: Double asterisks signify that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska and Julian Paul Assange are primary perpetrators, however fall under witnesses due their unknown employment within The United States of America, although Jessica’s trafficking by them was on land inside the jurisdiction of The United States of America.



Jessica presents this document as one of The People given authority by guarantee of the Constitution for The United States of America, thereby bypassing conventional Federal court procedures regarding document details and similar requests. Jessica acts on behalf of The People, disclosing facts of proven treason by people The United States of America employs.

Jurisdiction arises from Federal laws against criminal organizations, guilty of extortion, fraud, murder and sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud of people it employs, under The United States of America. United States Code, anti-racketeering laws pertain to sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud by people The U.S. employs, against Jessica Leigh Collins and her daughter, Aisha Kathleen Zughbieh-Collins, involving the murder and coverup of Aisha and Jessica as victims of Jeffrey Epstein and Joseph Biden, and other U.S. employees by fraudulent court documentation, and media stories that exploit and profit from the coverup of Jessica and her daughter.

A current plan to murder Jessica through accomplices Edward Norris and Joseph Gamble’s fraudulent charges against Jessica, in custody by bribes to criminal inmates exits. These actions constitute a criminal organization of people The U.S. Government employs under color of law. The false charges require people this U.S. Court employs who act as Judge through its Federal jurisdiction pursuant to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-1968, to call for the immediate cessation of these false charges to prevent further harm to Jessica.

Any fraudulent use of statues, codes, regulations, rules, and or prior rulings, that deprive Jessica of her guarantee to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, do not pertain, thereby contrary to the Laws of this Land, and hold no relevance; i.e., Talmudic and Admiralty laws are impertinent.


Jessica invokes her inherent unalienable rights of guarantee by the Constitution for The United States of America. The United States of America through the people it employs are in violation of Jessicas’ unalienable rights to truth, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, requiring immediate order for cessation of the violations by people working for The United States of America.

This document arises from Jessica and Aisha’s victimization by People working for The United States of American in both Federal and State Government Agencies, who commit crimes of criminal sex trafficking through the use of fraud, coercion and force. These crimes against Jessica and Aisha involve President Joseph Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, and other people under the list of Primary Perpetrators herein. Jessica is being held hostage by people working for The U.S. of America, through denial of facts, withheld restitution, and false charges, while proof of these crimes involves a coverup by the same People who are guilty of treason, and other serious crimes including racketeering, and drug and sex trafficking crimes. 

The woman known as jessica leigh collins, herein uses the word Jessica, or Jessica Leigh Collins for clarity, specifying that reference to her, is in all lowercase letters to signify no loss of autonomous status under Law however, for the sake of consistency, Jessica shall be the name in use throughout this document. Likewise, Jessica’s daughter, aisha kathleen zughbieh-collins, is herein Aisha. 

Given the outstanding false arrest warrant against Jessica and the requirement to safeguard her life, by avoiding false arrest by People working for The United States of America, with absolute connections to Edward Norris, Deborah Palfrey and Jeffrey Epstein, and in the interests of justice, all discussion pertaining to this document are to be held by teleconference communications; No substitutions.


Forced Sex Trafficking and Coverup:

  1. Jessica verifies proof that she and her daughter, Aisha Kathleen Zughbieh-Collins, are the specific victims of Jeffrey Epstein who are concealed by people working for the U.S. and media through fraudulent court documents and false news publications. Indictments involving Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Deborah Palfrey, Police Chief Ed Norris, CIA Executive Director Kyle Dustin Foggo, Theodore Khleborod, Anna Barrero, and Alexandre Cazes establish fraudulent court documents, that victimize Jessica and Aisha, obscuring sex and drug trafficking through force, fraud and coercion by people working for The United States of America.

  1. In 2002, Jessica, a scholarship Architecture student at The Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., responds to a fraudulent employment ad in The City Paper, which disguises sex trafficking as a legitimate job, entrapping unsuspecting people. This ad by Deborah Palfrey, known as 'The DC Madam’, under the direction of CIA Executive Director Kyle Dustin Foggo, causes the theft and loss of Jessica's educational achievements, through fraud, coercion, and sex trafficking by the force of people working for The United States of America, depriving Jessica of the chance to pursue her education and undermining her academic achievements.

  1. The advertisement for nonspecific employment conceals the unlawful sex trafficking operations of Jeffrey Epstein, Deborah Palfrey, and Maryland Police Chief Edward Norris, in collusion with Kyle Foggo the Executive Director for the CIA, trapping Jessica in their scheme against her will through fraud, force and coercion by people working for The United States of America.

  1. Jessica and Aisha are victims of sex trafficking by people working for the CIA, FBI, NSA, DOJ, DHS, and other U.S. agencies through fraud, force, and coercion. People working for these agencies conceal these crimes to safeguard themselves and other people working for The United States of America.

  1. Since 2002, Jessica endures severe abuse through sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud by people working for The United States of America. Their crimes against Jessica escalate to severe direct attacks after 2017 when Jessica begins disseminating facts about criminal activity by people within The United States of America to the public realm.

  1. Jessica’s trafficking by force, coercion and fraud to prominent people includes Joseph Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, Jeff Sessions, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, John McCain, Hunter Biden, Alec Baldwin, Stephen Miller, Vladimir Putin, and approximately one thousand other high-ranking people within the Washington D.C. area. Jessica has made public the names of the people she can identify herein and on internet media; however, constant removal of Jessica’s accounts by people overseeing media companies causes her defamation and isolation, inflicting additional harm and danger to her life. 

  1. Jessica remains under the direct control of a CIA subcontractor known as Joseph Auletta, who The United States Air Force employs. Joseph Auletta prevents Jessica from escaping his control in conspiracy with other people working for The United States of America. Joseph aids and abets in silencing and defaming Jessica to coverup his crimes. 

  1. Joseph Auletta has written two formal affidavits to people working for the U.S. Courts, attesting to his knowledge of Jessica’s sex trafficking by Deborah Palfrey. Joseph Auletta refuses to admit facts he knows that proves Jessica is telling the truth. In Joseph’s affidavits, he attests that he has known Jessica for over twenty years and has never known her to lie, even when telling the truth causes her harm. These letters can be found on the internet through Jessica’s public media accounts and in cases of false charges against Jessica in Accomack County, Virginia, and Talbot County, Maryland. 

  1. While Jessica investigates the ongoing abuses she and her daughter suffer due to direct victimization by Jeffrey Epstein, Deborah Palfrey, Edward Norris, Joseph Auletta, and their accomplices, they enlist the support of a vast multitude of people within the Intelligence Community to orchestrate fraudulent coverups and continue to commit crimes against Jessica to silence, defame and torment her. The international news regarding these crimes is seen by the majority of people as a coverup. This is evident in popular trending phrases such as, ‘Epstein didn’t kill himself’, as well as the subsequent mass distrust of the media and The United States of America. 

  1. Jeffrey Epstein, Joesph Biden, Edward Norris and Joseph Auletta are primary culprits, with accomplices including Virginia Giuffre, (née Roberts), Sarah Ransome, Courtney Wild, and Maria Farmer, who despite their actual roles as accomplices, portray themselves as victims in the media and court cases. The fraud in both ‘The DC Madam’ and Jeffrey Epstein cases is identical, excluding actual victims, portraying accomplices as victims, and fabricating death scenarios to evade justice, establishes a clear pattern of racketeering crime by public officials against Jessica and Aisha to hide them as the actual victims for high-ranking people and profit through laundering money. 

  1. Jessica’s discovery shows that Deborah Jeane Palfrey’s true history as an FBI agent is hidden under the alias Jenny Marie Moore. Deborah Palfrey’s employment as Jenny Moore with the Tracy, California Police Department conceals her employment with law enforcement while aiding a sex trafficking operation in Washington D.C. with Jeffery Epstein, Maryland State Police Chief Edward Norris, and Executive Director of the CIA Kyle Fogoo for blackmail of politicians, and trafficking of women and their children through covert police force. 

  1. Deborah Jeane Palfrey reemerges, as Jenny Marie Moore, after the falsification of her death in 2008. Jessica contacted Deborah Palfrey, also known as Jenny Moore, and her roommate, George Webb, another Federal employee, in their hotel room at The Country Inn at 8850 Hampton Mall Drive North, Capital Heights, Maryland 20743, days before the second falsification of of Deborah Palfrey's, known as Jenny Moore’s death. Jessica was living fifteen minutes away, at 14112 School Lane, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772.

  1. In 2002, Deborah Jeane Palfrey traffics Jessica to Montgomery Blair Sibley, a lawyer aiding the sex trafficking operation. Montgomery coerces Jessica to provide him with her phone number for direct contact, bypassing Deborah’s involvement. Following this incident, Jessica is made to meet with Terrell Lee Gravely Junior, a Federal informant and friend of Deborah Palfrey. Terrell abducts Jessica in an apartment paid for by Deborah at the Windsor Kingstowne Apartment, the address being 6050 Edgeware Lane, Alexandria, Virginia 22315. This abduction was a deliberate plan to deprive Jessica of her education and further ensnare her in sex trafficking through force, coercion and fraud by people working for The United States of America.

  1. Jessica was an exceptional student at Catholic University with great potential for success when she is held against her will during the final two weeks of her junior semester at Catholic U. Jessica releases proof of Terrell Lee Gravely Junior admitting to his association and friendship with Deborah Jeane Palfrey, in a recording of Terrell from a prison in Virginia during a sentence for weapons trafficking crimes involving Cubans, before Terrell also fakes his own death to avoid accountability and questioning. 

  1. Jessica calls the police on Terrell Lee Gravely Junior in late 2002 or early 2003, when Maryland Police Chief Edward Norris arrives at her apartment in Washington D.C., at 600 Taylor St NE, Washington, DC 20017 behind The Catholic University of America. Edward Norris prevents Jessica from entering her apartment, allowing Terrell Gravely, to install a key-logger on Jessica’s laptop. Afterward, Ed Norris and his partner assist in relocating Jessica to another apartment complex outside Washington D.C. for her safety, however this was a further trap. 

  1. Jessica’s relocation to the Seven Springs Apartments by Maryland State Police Chief Ed Norris and his officer partner who remains unknown, lands her nearby Maryland State Police Barracks Q in College Park, Maryland. While living at the apartment complex Jessica sees surveillance equipment inside the apartment across the hall from hers. On one occasion, when its door is left ajar, Jessica sees that the apartment is empty except for stacks of black recording devices on a stand. 

  1. During this period, Jessica during sex trafficking under surveillance by Edward Norris and his accomplices Deborah Palfrey, Jeffrey Epstein and Kyle Foggo, Jessica is sent to then-Senator Joseph Biden. Joe Biden flew Jessica to Manzanillo, Mexico, with him under the guise of newlyweds, to save money on the resort package he bought at Barcelo Karmina, at Avendia Vista Hermosa 13, Peninsula de Santiago, 28867 Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. 

  1. Jessica and Joe Biden get into an argument on their way back from Mexico to Texas, with their final destination being Washington, D.C. During the argument, Joe Biden leaves Jessica at the airport in Mexico, stating, 'Good luck getting back without a passport.' This leaves Jessica in state of uncertainty, however an airline employee was able to assist her in securing a direct flight back to D.C. Joe Biden does not provide Jessica with money, however approximately two weeks later, he sends Jessica twenty-three hundred dollars by direct money transfer to her Bank of America account. Jessica’s disclosure of these bank account numbers to the public over the internet circa 2019 was due to impending threats of false imprisonment for telling the truth about her sex trafficking under force, fraud and coercion to Joe Biden.

  1. Over the course of the next twenty years, Jessica makes several earnest attempts to escape sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud of people working for The United States of America who commit these crimes under color of law, and who prove to have far-reaching abilities to thwart Jessica’s plans to escape and hold them accountable. 

  1. During one of Jessica’s significant initial attempts to escape and hold accountable the people forcing and coercing her into sex trafficking, she visits Gloria Allred’s office in Beverly Hills. Gloria Allred denies Jessica representation, calling her a 'liability,' which results in the continuation of sex trafficking against Jessica with impunity, leading Jessica to become homeless.

  1. Jessica visits Gloria Allred’s office in California in 2005 while fleeing from Samuel Perkins, after enduring sex trafficking by force, fraud, and coercion at apartments he paid for in Dupont Circle, Washington D.C and Annapolis, Maryland. Jessica fled from Samuel Perkins after his attempt to traffic her in London, England. Sam Perkins, a partner at Steptoe and Johnson LLC, the law firm that represents Jeffrey Epstein in 2008, retires circa 2024 after Jessica contacts him for restitution. Sam sends Jessica ten thousand dollars to her Wells Fargo bank account to buy a car after her exploitation by a lawyer during false charges brought against her in 2022; the second election year in a row people working for The United State of America press false charges against Jessica in an attempt to silence her.

  1. Before Jessica's attempt to escape sex trafficking by people working for The United States of America, and prior to fleeing to California, Jessica sought assistance from the Polaris Project. Instead of providing help, the Polaris Project offers Jessica condoms and AIDS testing. Jessica also sought Joseph Auletta’s help to return to The Catholic University of America, however his response, 'Not all successful people have degrees.' leaves Jessica in a state of dismay and despair, exhausting all possibilities, due to inadequate family support.

  1. After Jessica visits Gloria Allred's office in Beverly Hills in 2005, while homeless, a subsequent arrest leads to charges alleging a driving under the influence for the first-time. This causes Jessica to live in California for a year while lawyer Jeffrey Stivers settles the court case in Newport Beach. Despite her circumstances, Jessica makes regular trips home by airplane to be with her children during holidays. Each time Jessica returns to California for court the hearings every month, she faces homelessness again. 

  1. While Jessica was living at the Friendship Shelter in Laguna Beach, she mets a man known as Colin Alan Snook, and they begin to date for a period of six months before they marry in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jessica writes a business plan for them and borrows twenty-seven thousand dollars from Samuel Perkins. Sam sends Jessica the funds to her Bank of America account. Within two weeks of their marriage, Colin punches Jessica in the face, causing her to lose consciousness. Jessica calls the police, and Colin’s arrest ends with a two years prison sentence. Jessica files for an annulment and proves the marriage is null and void, however people working for the State of Nevada close the case without Jessica's consent and knowledge.

  1. Jessica's later discovery given by Colin’s parole officer shows Colin lies about having a nursing degree, and facts regarding his criminal background, which contains prior assaults on women. Jessica files for divorce from Colin in Maryland in 2011, however the woman working as a judge denies the divorce without good reason, despite the fact that Jessica and Colin do not and never live together, and separate two weeks into the marriage. Jessica presumes the denial of the divorce and annulment are in order for people working for The United States of America to obtain Jessica's proof of the sex trafficking crimes against her and Aisha through possession of her property in the event of Jessica’s death. There is no other reasonable explanation for people working for The United States of America to force Jessica’s marriage to Colin Alan Snook, a man she never lives with, and having brief and rare interactions since 2006.     

  1. In 2007, upon Jessica's return to Maryland from California, Terrell Lee Gravely Junior  contacts her, claiming he wants to help her escape sex trafficking. Terrell convinces Jessica to move herself and her children into a home at 4010 Chesapeake Dr, Edgewater, Maryland 21037, which Jessica pays for. Terrell, who was on parole in Lynchburg, Virginia, gains the aid his parole officer to transfer to the State of Maryland. The parole officer abetting Terrell and Jessica’s marriage in Alexandria, Virginia, knew that Jessica was in a current marriage with Colin Alan Snook.  

  1. Rather than fulfilling his agreement to pay the rent, Terrell Lee Gravely Junior blackmails people Jessica knew through sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion, including Joseph Auletta, Samuel Perkins, David D. Burch, and other people, by using threats against Jessica. During this time, Joseph Biden, Jeff Sessions, and Edward Snowden were among the people on Jessica email contact list, whom she knew through sex trafficking, along with people whose names are unknown to Jessica. 

  1. Jessica has no knowledge of Terrell Lee Gravely Junior blackmailing Joe Biden, Jeff Session and Edward Snowden in 2007, however there is significant potential that the blackmailing by Terrell, who was later shown to be a Federal agent, led to the indictments of Deborah Palfrey, Kyle Foggo and Jeffrey Epstein in 2007 and 2008. The facts of Terrell’s blackmail in 2007 are withheld from Jessica and the public by people working for in The United States of America. 

  1. Joseph Auletta admits, on records in Jessica’s possession, that the blackmail by Terrell Lee Gravely Junior in 2007 causes a Pentagon meeting, leading to subsequent off-site discussions on how to address the blackmail. Despite Joseph Auletta’s acknowledgment, he refuses to disclose the people working for The United States of America who were present at these meetings. 

  1. In February 2022, Jessica sends Joseph Auletta a letter of intent to sue to his house at 4524 Habershaw Road, NW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, which receives a signature. Jessica then sends a second letter of intent to sue with an amendment, which is sent back to her without delivery, and without a forwarding address. Joseph later told Jessica that he sold his house after receiving the first letter, having living there for over twenty years. Joseph Auletta agrees not to evade Jessica's lawsuit and to provide her with a new address, however he continues to refuse to do so.

  1. In 2007, Terrell Lee Gravely Junior, while blackmailing people working for The United States of America on the list of Jessica’s email contacts, stole her original copy of ‘The DC Madam’ ad in The City Paper, which Jessica kept since 2002. Terrell also stole irreplaceable photographs of Jessica and her children from the time they were born throughout their childhoods, along with photographs of Jessica’s family. Terrell stole the white-line floor length dress that Joseph Robinette Biden bought for Jessica in Manzanillo, Mexico, along with Jessica schoolwork, drawings, and books from her time as a student at Anne Arundel Community College and The Catholic University of America. 

  1. In June 2019, within two weeks of Jessica contacting the FBI to report her sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion to Jeffrey Epstein by Deborah Palfrey, known as ‘The DC Madam’, Terrell Lee Gravely Junior, a friend Deborah Palfrey, contacted Jessica from prison using a fictitious name. Terrell states he wants to kill Jessica upon learning she was discussing his crimes with people. Within another two weeks of Terrell’s phone call from prison for weapons trafficking involving Cuba, people who claim to also share kinship with Jerry Falwell, the Baptist preacher in Lynchburg, Virginia, whom Terrell claims to be kin with, bought the property behind Jessica’s trailer park home, which Joseph Auletta bought for Jessica to live in. 

  1. In 2021, Charmin, the mother of Terrell Lee Gravely Junior’s daughter, Alexis O’Dell-Gravely, contacts Jessica through Facebook message to inform her of Terrell's death due to a medical condition. Although an obituary with family heritage information is or was available online, no official record of death could be found to verify this claim.

Murder and Coverup of Underage Victim:

  1. Between 2017 to 2019, Jessica investigations the corruption and coverup surrounding her daughter Aisha Kathleen Zughbieh-Collins' murder. During this time period, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, and their accomplices, including Virginia Giuffre (née Roberts) and people in the United States Government, plan their media coverup and file fraudulent court documents. This coverup conceals the fact that Jessica and Aisha are victims of Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Biden’s sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion of people working for The United States of America.

  1. Video footage of Jessica’s daughter, Aisha at approximately eleven or twelve years old, being beaten without clothing by Joseph Robinette Biden Junior surfaces on the internet during Jessica’s investigations, and was sent to Jessica circa 2022. POLITICO magazine publishes false statements alleging that the video is illegitimate; however, the video shows Aisha Kathleen Zughbieh-Collins with Joe Biden. Jessica identifies Joseph Allbritton as one of her and her daughter’s perpetrators in 2019, years before people working for POLITICO defame Jessica and Aisha. Jessica knows that Robert Allbritton is not the son, but the son-in-law of Barbara and Joe Allbritton because their daughter Elena Allbritton babysat Jessica’s children at their condominium in Maryland between the years of 2003 and 2004.

  1. Jessica’s investigations uncover the FBI's concealment of Aisha’s murder through the fraudulent shutdown of Alphabay, the largest illicit online sales market at the time in 2017. People working for the FBI profit over twenty-four million dollars in civil asset forfeitures as part of the coverup, concealing the facts of Aisha’s murder by a Russian Army Agent using the alias Sasha and claiming his legal name is Robert Anthony Boroja.

  1. During the Alphabay Shutdown Press Conference, held five months after Aisha's murder, Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General for The United States of America, mentions Aisha first, acknowledging her role as the catalyst for the shutdown. However, he avoids stating Aisha’s name to conceal her as the cause and evades accountability, thus preventing questions about the true reason for the shutdown. Jessica discovers the shutdown of Alphabay through her own investigations, as people working for The United States of America never inform her about the shutdown, which is odd if it were indeed legitimate.

  1. People working for the Portland Police Department, and the FBI conceal Jessica as the source of information that shutdown Alphabay. Jessica knows Alphabay was shutdown to payoff people working for the FBI to coverup and profit from Aisha’s murder. Proof that the Alphabay shutdown was in fact a a payoff to people working for the FBI, to coverup Aisha’s murder show in the fact that it is now operating online again. Jessica knows that the shutdown of Alphabay is a payoff to people working for the FBI, to coverup and profit from Aisha’s murder, proven by Alphabay’s subsequent reactivation online. 

  1. Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, and Jeff Sessions, who work for the FBI, District Attorneys, and U.S. Attorney General’s Office, include Jessica’s name in indictments, endangering her life by exposing her to tens of thousands of drug traffickers on Alphabay. In 2017, the lawyer Robert Sticht, using the email address inform Jessica of the danger to her life.

  1. During Jessica’s investigations, she discovers that two foreign citizens, Anna Barrero and Theodore Khleborod from Colombia and Moldova, who sell the lethal drugs through Alphabay that are used to murder Aisha, are given United States citizenship three days after Aisha’s murder. This information is from an online photograph on Anna Barrero's social media Instagram account, which shows her, her family members and Theodore Khleborod celebrating their new United States citizenship on February 18, 2017. People working for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service office deny Jessica’s FOIA demand to verify the dates of Anna Barrero and Theodore Khleborod’s U.S. citizenship, citing concern for their privacy.

  1. Jessica also discovers that Aisha's social security number is in use by a woman or man known as Keianna K. Brown at the address 1731 Jade Ave, Clearwater, FL 33755, proving identity theft and fraud. Despite Jessica’s report to Social Security fraud agents, they refuse to investigate, citing the need for Jessica to provide specific details that only they can provide regarding the misuse before taking action.

  1. Theodore Khleborod, the drug trafficker on Alphabay who sold the drugs killing Aisha, was from the former Soviet Union and studying to become a doctor in the United States of America. Theodore’s prior felony charges for shooting a gun into a house while driving by in a vehicle, were inconsequential despite eyewitness testimony identifying him as the shooter. Theodore’s allege suicide in jail is fabrication to allow him to evade justice, fleeing back to his home country, identical to the false suicides of Deborah Palfrey, Jeffrey Epstein, and others people committing these crimes.

  1. Alexandre Cazes, the owner of Alphabay, also evades justice through falsification of his suicide, which people working for the Thai Government aids. Online reports show concealment of Alexandre Cazes’s history and true background and connections. People working for WIRED magazine publish articles explaining the reemergence of Alphabay after Alexandre’s allege suicide.

  1. Anna Barrera, Theodore Khleborod’s partner in drug trafficking on Alphabay, is serving her sentence at Alderson Prison in West Virginia, according to online websites. This facility houses celebrities such as Martha Stewart and allows inmates to wear their own clothes and enjoy amenities such as swimming and concerts, in addition to being able to move around the campus-like facility without handcuffs. People working for The United States of America are shortening Anna Barrera's initial sentencing as judges. 

  1. In contrast to Anna Barrera's lenient treatment despite her involvement in at least nine counted murders, yet the number is higher, Jessica was arrested without committing a crime, four months after speaking out about her experiences with Joe Biden and Jeffrey Epstein. Despite the charges against Jessica being proven false, she was subjected to a year in solitary confinement and endured severe abuse, surpassing what other prisoners experienced until all the charges against her were dismissed. 

  1. Robert Anthony Boroja, who witnessed Aisha's murder on Facebook Live while in direct communication with Aisha, all the while pretending to have amnesia, has four names attached to his social security number: Juan C Camacho, Juan F Carlos, Raej Endres, and Robert Anthony Endres. At the time, Robert used the nickname Sasha and was employed as a software engineer at Convergys, a company providing information management for communications, finance, technology, retail, healthcare, and Government.

  1. Tony Joule, a friend of Robert Boroja from Alaska, informed Jessica of Robert's death around 2021. However, due to the numerous falsified deaths in related cases, the information appears to be untrue. Despite being asked to provide evidence, Tony did not do so.

  1. This ongoing torment against Jessica by people working as U.S. Officials, was contained by lawyers in the indictments of Theodore Khleborod and Anna Barrero who invited Kathleen Fisher and Julia Coleman (nee Fisher), who committed serious crimes against Jessica and Aisha, to attend the sentencing hearing against Jessica’s known will. This action caused additional harm and damages to Jessica. 

  1. The ongoing torment inflicted on Jessica by people employed by the U.S. government persists to this day. Their actions have caused irreparable harm to Jessica as she exposes their crimes against her. Jessica’s life is in serious danger from drug traffickers and corrupt people in Law Enforcement, to conceal their guilt in mass murders by fentanyl overdoses, surpassing all deaths by wars. Their pattern of behavior proves a concerted effort to murder Jessica, identical to Aisha, by covering-up and withholding proof, while claiming Aisha and Jessica as responsible for their own deaths.

Financial and Coercive Trafficking Roles:

  1. Joseph Auletta, Samuel Perkins, and David Burch played primary roles in the sex trafficking of Jessica through collaborated manipulation, denying her known will to be free of the forced sex trafficking. They each aided Jessica’s forced trafficking while working for the United States Government. They are connected to Jeffery Epstein through Jessica and her daughter. 

  1. Joseph Auletta, employed by the United States Air Force, also works as a CIA contractor, and continues to aid the government in his position despite being retired. Samuel Perkins, a lawyer partnered with Steptoe and Johnson LLC, the law firm representing Jeffrey Epstein in 2008, that concealed Epstein’s crimes against Jessica and Aisha. He retired in 2024 after Jessica demanded her owed restitution. David Burch, employed by The State Department and now retired, admits that his brother owns an island next to Epstein’s and started the Fantasy Football gambling league. 

  1. Joseph Auletta testified in a document filed in Accomack County courts that Jessica 'worked' for Deborah Palfrey, know as ‘The DC Madam’ in media articles. This letter to the court is available to the public online through Jessica’s social media accounts. Auletta uses the term ‘worked’ to purport Jessica’s willingness and conceal his guilt in the forced sex trafficking of Jessica, and her daughter, Aisha. Joesph Auletta is recorded stating his that Jessica was sex trafficked by Ed Norris, Jeffrey Epstein and Deborah Palfrey, in one of the approximately twenty to thirty recorded hours of his testimony. In a separate letter Auletta testifies to Talbot County courts, that he has known Jessica for over twenty years, and has not known her to lie. Auletta states in that letter that he knows Jessica has stated that she was trafficked to President Joe Biden. 

  1. Joseph Auletta, Sam Perkins and David Burch possess the capability to have the current false charges against Jessica dismissed, yet they pretend they’re unable, and refuse to help Jessica, even when they make promises to in order to silence Jessica ab out their own crimes. Joseph Auletta broke his promise to call Sheriff Joseph Gamble regarding his officers neglect of Jessica’s Traumatic Brain Injury. Auletta denied calls from Jessica on this crucial day and has failed to provide a copy of the letter he claims to have sent. 

  1. Samuel Perkins, who sex trafficked Jessica from approximately 2003 to 2005, financing apartments in Dupont Circle and Annapolis, Maryland, possesses the capability to cause the dismissal of false charges pressed against Jessica in 2024. Despite his capability to help Jessica, he feigned inability, and retired from Steptoe and Johnson LLC, which advertises pro bono services for cases like Jessica’s. 

  1. Jessica knows Joseph Auletta was hired by the CIA as a private investigator to control her actions due to the discrepancies between his actions and his concealed abuse of Jessica. 

  1. Wayne Madsen, of the Wayne Madsen Report, reported on a private investigator who was hired by the CIA to minimize the damage to politicians' reputations after Deborah Palfrey's indictment. Wayne refuses to answer Jessica’s questions regrading his articles, despite Jessica’s proven right to know as a victim of these crimes. Jessica wants to know why Wayne Madsen failed to report Jeffrey Epstein’s direct connection to Debrah Palfrey. 

  1. Joseph Auletta employs financial manipulation and control tactics to dominate Jessica as a victim of his forced sex trafficking. He restricts her autonomy by controlling her actions through controlling money and manipulates her circumstances to perpetuate her vulnerability. Auletta's deliberate actions, such as booking Jessica's stay at the hotel/ restaurant where he knew the Barrero family and Theodore Khleborod celebrated their U.S. Citizenship after the murder of Aisha. Utilizing plausible deniability, Auletta conceals his true intentions to harm Jessica and obstruct her pursuit of justice.

  1. Joseph Auletta has caused immense direct harm by denying emergency funds to control the outcome of dire situations, proved by his selective aid and refusal to this day intended to cause the murders of Jessica and Aisha after sex trafficking them by force. 

  1. On two separate occasions crucial to saving Aisha’s life, Auletta withheld funds, while providing significant amounts for other purposes. One instance occurred when Jessica requested $1,300 to pay her bills so she could return to Portland, Oregon to be with Aisha after she overdosed. Auletta dismissed Jessica plea, stating, 'What do you think you can do for her if she already left the hospital?' Despite Jessica's desperate need for help, Auletta denied her the aid she and Aisha needed, instructing Jessica to go to D.C. to obtain the necessary funds, again forcing her into sex trafficking. One week later, after Aisha was murdered, Auletta provided over $12,000 for her burial.

  1. Another outcome controlled by Auletta was his denial of money to hire a lawyer, crucial in preventing Aisha's abduction by Kathleen and Kenneth Fisher in 2013. This left Aisha subjected to Kathleen's abuse due to her concealed animosity towards Jessica and Aisha, evident in the stark contrast in their treatment compared to others. Despite the urgent need for legal defense against the Fishers' fraudulent seizure of Jessica's children, Auletta refused assistance. However, when Jessica gained weight due to the emotional abuse she and her children endured, Auletta provided over seven thousand dollars for liposuction without hesitation, further forcing and coercing Jessica into sex trafficking to acquire money needed to hire a lawyer. 

  1. In 2019, Jessica disclosed her bank records to reporter Edward Szall, revealing deposits from Joseph Auletta totaling over $30,000 at that time. Szall responded, 'That’s very compelling Jessica; I’m telling you, your bank records tell and prove a lot of your story, that’s what I’m telling you as a journalist, that’s very powerful.' Later, Jessica made her bank records public, showing deposits from both Joseph Auletta and Samuel Perkins made in small increments totaling over $100,000 between 2021 and 2023. Despite the amount, these funds were provided in controlled amounts to maintain leverage over Jessica, preventing her from recovering her life to the state it was in prior to the forced and coerced sex trafficking orchestrated by Joseph Auletta, Samuel Perkins, and their associates. 

  1. While David Burch, Joseph Auletta, and Sam Perkins have played pivotal roles in Jessica's forced and coerced sex trafficking, they have also hindered her pursuit of justice and restitution. Despite their knowledge of Jessica's situation and their capacity to aid in the dismissal of the current false charges, they have instead obstructed her path to justice. They have impeded Jessica's ability to receive the restitution she is owed by withholding truthful testimony and information, thereby denying Jessica the required assistance to cease the crimes perpetrated against her. Their betrayal of Jessica's trust and exploitation further underscores their culpability in perpetuating her and her daughter, Aisha’s victimization.

  1. Joseph Auletta’s direct control over Jessica through money and coercion is shown in his promise to make a phone call to sheriff Joseph gamble regarding the false charges where Auletta admitted to Christopher Dorsey, that’ Sheriff Joseph Gambles’ Deputies deviated from protocol and did not offer Jessica the medical assistance required at the traffic stop, when Jessica was forced to undergo a sobriety test with a Traumatic Brian Injury. 

  1. Joseph Auletta agreed to make the call, however on the day he agreed to call, Joseph could not be reached, and has since refused to provide proof that he sent a letter to the Sheriff’s Office that he attests he sent. Auletta’s ability and refusal to act on behalf of Jessica to free her of the false charges has cost her exorbitant amount of the money Joseph has provided, which he provides in small increments to prevent Jessica from utilizing the money as she wants, to avoid false imprisonment and the murder plot by Edward Norris, Joseph Gamble and other related to Jeffrey Epstein’s forced sex trafficking.  

False Charges to Silence the Truth:

  1. Jessica’s firsthand testimony reveals that former Maryland Police Chief Edward Norris is involved in operating Jeffrey Epstein’s forced sex trafficking operation in the Washington D.C. area, thereby proving people working for the U.S. Government are running a criminal regime involved in forced sex trafficking women and their children, leading to abuse of Jessica by people working for the United States Department of Justice to conceal these crimes. 

  1. Due to the fact that Jessica and Aisha are the victims of Jeffery Epstein and Joe Biden, covered-up by people working for the U.S. Government, Jessica has been attacked by people for profit from suppression of the truth, and by people who want to avoid capital punishment and life sentences for their crimes. 

  1. While Jessica uncovered the FBI’s coverup of Aisha’s murder, organ harvesting by Multnomah Medical Examiners, and her and Aisha’s forced sex trafficking by people working for the U.S. Government, the FBI held a press conference asking victims of Jeffrey Epstein’s to report these crimes. Jessica recognized Jeffrey Epstein as the man who drugged and raped her through Deborah Palfrey and she called the FBI’s listed number. 

  1. The FBI referred Jessica to Officer Walter Hawkins of the South District New York Police Department. Jessica, and the man calling himself Walter, had several lengthy discussions over multiple days. Jessica's recordings of these conversations were interrupted in real-time other laptop, and later were found distorted and tampered with. 

  1. Walter Hawkins’ baseless conclusion that Jessica should seek emotional support, despite the overwhelming proof she presented connecting Deborah Palfrey to Jeffrey Epstein, shows the same unfounded claim made by people seeking to discredit Jessica's true testimony. 

  1. Walter Hawkins false stance contradicts Law Enforcement's obligation to uphold guaranteed rights under law of the land and reveals the fraud within Law Enforcement and the FBI that deviates from that superseding law. Jessica suspects without doubt, that she was speaking to Ed Norris himself, given the identical tone, accent, and Ed’s primary concern for her testimony getting out, because it reveals Norris and Law Enforcement’s involvement in forced sex trafficking, and drug trafficking killing hundreds . 

  1. False accusations against Jessica through false arrests is an attempt to discredit her true testimony that reveals people working for the U.S. Government are committing treason and unabated crime, therefore mass number of people with interest in covering-up the proven facts that Jessica and Aisha are the victims of Jeffery Epstein and Joe Biden through forced sex trafficking by people working for the U.S. Law Enforcement have come together to act against Jessica’s rights to free speech, truth, life and liberty among other sacrosanct rights. 

  1. The false political imprisonment of Jessica occurring four months after she contacted the FBI and spoke to ‘Walter Hawkins’ attesting to her experiences with Jeffrey Epstein and Joe Biden in direct connection with Deborah Palfrey, Police Chief Edward Norris, and Kyle Fagoo who worked for the CIA is not a coincidence. 

  1. The false charges brought both election years since Jessica spoke out, due to the murder of her daughter, is defamation to discredit Jessica, and abduction to silence her during election years. 

  1. The most recent false charges added a threat to Jessica life, by murder in jail due to false and provable untrue accusation of violence, which can be utilized by police to coverup Jessica’s murder under that false pretext, in addition to the prolonged and systemic erasure of the truth she shared off social media. 

  1. Jessica has proven that Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring is operated through police force, who conspire with people working within U.S. Intelligence Agencies, who have arranged for both, Jessica and Aisha’s murders to keep this truth concealed. 

  1. At present, Jessica is setup to be murdered under the new false charges in 2024. Jessica was forced to flee her home due to these false charges, pressed by Sheriff Joseph Gamble of Talbot County, an actual accomplice of Edward Norris, who trafficked Jessica to Jeffery Epstein. The illicit network of people employed by the U.S. Government exits across the country and is deployed against Jessica wherever she seeks refuge.

  1. The false arrest warrant in 2024 issued under fraud by Sheriff Joseph Gamble, is provable crime by officials, and malfeasance against police protocol ignoring Jessica’s visible Traumatic Brain Injury, and forcing her to undergo a field sobriety test regardless. 

  1. Joseph Gamble's charges of a DUI against Jessica in 2024 already proven false by his officers ignoring her severe and obvious head concussion without medical attention, which shows a deliberate deviation from protocol, and a deliberate plot to murder Jessica in jail, given she was assaulted and then charged with crime she did not commit. These false charges not only place Jessica in the position to be murdered in jail, but also serve to conceal the serious highly-profitable crimes against her. 

  1. In both of the false charges during election years, the serious conflicts of interest by people with direct connections to Jeffery Epstein’s crime against her, have likewise been ignored by people in the Justice Department, in clear violation of Jessica rights to fair trials. 

  1. Joseph Gamble who has pressed the proven false charges against Jessica, is a direct associate of Edward Norris, who trafficked Jessica to Jeffery Epstein and Joe Biden in 2002. Regardless, of the fact that people within the Department of Justice and Law Enforcement wish to conceal these facts, Jessica is guaranteed rights by the Constitution for the United States that have been violated by these people to save themselves from exposure of their crimes. 

  1. Joseph Gamble was employed under Ed Norris when Jessica was trafficked by Ed Norris to Jeffrey Epstein and Joe Biden. This is a clear conflict of interest, and given the severity of crimes concealed against Jessica, show the true intent of the false charges. 

  1. Ed Norris and Joseph Gamble both work for the FBI, with Ed Norris lecturing at the FBI National Academy, and Joseph Gamble being deputized by the FBI. This is another clear violation of Jessica’s right to a fair trial given the proven coverup by FBI of Jessica’s daughter’s murder that profited the FBI $24,000,000. 

  1. Ed Norris and Joseph Gamble, both also held the same position as Maryland’s Secretary of State Police in Baltimore, with Joseph Gamble the designee during an undisclosed period of time. 

  1. Ed Norris and Joseph Gamble also have ties to national television programs and radio talk shows, with Ed Norris benefiting from his involvement with CBS, NPR, and HBO. However, again, Joseph Gamble's television and radio appearances remain concealed. The affiliation between the two in regard to media appearances regarding Law Enforcement in the State of Maryland is another association that is certain.

  1. The false charges Joseph Gambles has pressed against Jessica are to silence Jessica, and place her under the control of people in the State of Maryland, who Jessica knows are corrupt. This also provides for Jessica to be murdered in jail, given that in both cases of false charges, in the years 2020 and 2024, Jessica who is peaceful and non-violent, was assaulted by people and arrested under false charges. 

  1. Edward Norris, was indicted for his crimes connected to Deborah Palfrey, however people in media and the Department of Justice failed to disclose Jessica’s direct association with Edward Norris, Jeffrey Epstein, Joesph Biden and Deborah Palfrey. 

  1. The 2024 false charges against Jessica have forced her to flee her home, and caused her to take her crucial proof with her. This raises the identical vulnerability of tampering and deletion Jessica experienced in the first trial regained the false charges in 2020, when the COVID Emergency was declared, which kept the public, and family from attending trial, and allowed people in Law Enforcement to confiscation and delete the trial from Jessica’s recoding devise, which they did commit this crime, therefor Jessica knows that people in Law Enforcement will do the same with the proof of these crimes that she posses.

  1. The conflict of interest concealing the connection between Jeffrey Epstein and former Police Chief Edward Norris is a direct attempt on Jessica life. Ed Norris is active and influential in Baltimore where a man in Baltimore is overseeing the false criminal charges against Jessica. 

  1. Edward Norris, who was operating Jeffrey Epstein’s ring in Washington D.C. is aware Jessica that testifies against him in public. Ed has defamed Jessica on social media, by falsifying claims of insanity. During Jessica’s abduction by people in Law Enforcement in Virginia jails, she learned of two violent deaths— one incident she overheard of a non-English speaking man being beaten to death in the nearby shower room, in Northampton, and another in Accomack County where an aging, ill woman, whom Jessica befriended, was killed by inmates and guards before Jessica returned.

  1. Joseph Auletta continues to aid the efforts against Jessica’s life through his forced control, as he conspires with people in Law Enforcement to subject Jessica to the false charges and forced homelessness, thereby false imprisonment. Since 2011, Joseph Auletta has controlled all Jessica's living situations, and exploits this control to control the outcomes of Jessica’s life.

  1. The prior false charges against Jessica in 2020 that silenced her during the election of Joe Biden, the perpetrator to whom she and Aisha were trafficked to through Edward Norris and Jeffrey Epstein’s forced sex trafficking scheme, resulted in Jessica being abused for one year of solitary confinement, at which time the charges were dismissed under the fraudulent declaration of insanity. 

  1. The final trial that took place for the false charges against Jessica in 2020, are held without her knowledge and without her presence. However, proving even further the corruption Jessica faces, lawyers William Revell Lewis, S.W. Dawson and Junius Spencer Morgan all three attested to the false fact that Jessica was present in the courtroom throughout the proceedings. 

  1. Jessica sued the lawyers William Revell Lewis and Junius Spenser Morgan, who could not deny the fact that Jessica was not at the trial where they falsified their declaration of inanity. Instead, they claimed to be immune from prosecution. Jessica has proved people working for the U.S. Government using their positions to abuse Jessica to a severe degree, which are capital punishment crimes.   

  1. The refusal of People in Law Enforcement in Accomack County, Virginia where false charges in 2020 were pressed, led to the murder of Edward Bruce Mears Jr., Maurice Lamont Fiddermon and incitement of Coy Bailey, the man who drugged, raped and set Jessica up ti be assisted by his friends. Junius Spenser Morgan working as District Attorney, concealed his crimes, by refusing the date rape drug testing of Jessica’s blood, and aided the deletion of Jessica’s recording of the trial, where it was proven that Jessica was innocent, and that Coy Bailey did drug and rape Jessica, and his friends did assist her along with people in the Accomack Sheriffs Office.

  1. The conflict of interest concealed about Junius Spenser Morgan’s direct lineage with J.P. Morgan, the owner of the bank that laundered money for Jeffrey Epstein, was ignored and hidden despite Jessica’s protest against his special appointment as prosecutor. 

  1. Jessica was railroaded throughout the trial that took place in 2020 that silenced her during the election of Joe Biden, and the COVID Emergency was declared Nationwide, the day after this trial was scheduled. This prevented people from the public, friends and family from witnessing the fraudulent trial, and obtaining proof of the fraud. 

  1. The fraudulent charges in 2020 were dismissed under the guise of insanity to discredit Jessica, who documented the abuse in lawsuits against the lawyers to prove the declaration of insanity is untrue. Lawyers Junius Spencer Morgan and William Revell Lewis did not refute Jessica was not present at the trial, instead they allege they are immune from prosecution even if they act malicious to inflicting harm on Jessica. 

  1. Jessica discovered that Junius Spenser Morgan may have a second identity in Miami, Florida, as an injury lawyer, called Spenser G. Morgan, which must be investigated further, however without people in law enforcement aiding in revelations of the truth, this remains a unresolved issue. 

  1. Furthering the crime against Jessica, Anthony Brown, actin as Attorney General for the State of Maryland, employed approximately six female lawyers to attack Jessica's lawsuits against the lawyers Stephen Kehoe, and Paul Marshall Long Jr., who pursued the false charges in 2020 and held Jessica under false political imprisonment, in overt and proven abuse of force and power.

  1. 100. In order to combat these assaults against her good character, Jessica enrolled at Liberty University’s Paralegal Degree program to learn how to file lawsuits, however she switched to Anna Arundel Community College when she found out Liberty U was not accredited. During her enrollment process in November 2022, she was arrested under the new false charges, and the money she had assigned to the degree program was reallocated to hiring the lawyer Andrew DiBlasio. 

  1. 101. Andrew DiBlasio was terminated on April 26, 2022, for malpractice, however he appeared in breech of contract and represented Jessica without her consent. Andrew DiBlasio was already informed at the time that he misrepresented Jessica that she intended to sue him when he misrepresented her in court. Andrew DiBlasio aided lawyers Paul Marshall Long and Stephen Kehoe setting Jessica up to undergo a psychiatric evaluation because she questioned the people running the court’s authority and jurisdiction, which are both relevant debates. Jessica was labeled a ‘sovereign citizen’ by Paul Marshall Long, which the FBI defined in 2010 as a domestic terrorist, thereby further endangering Jessica by defamation.  

  1. 102. In addition, Joseph Gamble and Edward Norris, former Police Chief of Maryland, the FBI’s Deborah Palfrey, the CIA’s Kyle fagoo, and over 10,000 people working for the U.S. Government, who remain undisclosed are involved in forced sex trafficking of woman and their children within the United States against the law of the land, and this is the reason Jessica documents these crimes herein. 

  1. 103. False charges brought each election year against Jessica by people with vested interest in silencing and discrediting her is established. The reason these crimes are committed with blatant disregard for Jessica, is because Jessica proves that the President of The United States of America, Joe Biden is a pedophile who raped her daughter, Aisha Kathleen Zughbieh-Collins. 

Victimization by Family and Other People:

  1. 104. The coverup of the murder of Jessica’s daughter Aisha by people working for The United States of America know that Aisha is a victim of Jeffery Epstein and Joe Biden.

  1. People working for the FBI made over $24,000,000 from the fraudulent shutdown of AlphaBay, which was a payoff to conceal the truth about Aisha’s murder. This is established by Alphabay’s return to operational status on the internet for continued illicit sales after the shutdown.  

  1. 106. People working for the U.S. Government refuse to admit the shutdown of AlphaBay was due to the murder of Aisha in order to conceal the interconnected crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, and his accomplices in the U.S. Government who traffic people for sex, in addition to trafficking drugs, which have killed hundreds and thousands of Americans through U.S. enforced drug trafficking.

  1. 107. Jessica’s daughter, Aisha’s escape from her torture and assaults at the Good Shepherd Catholic Charities facility in Halethorpe, Maryland, was due to the fact that Aisha was abducted, sterilized to prevent her from becoming pregnant, which was against her will, numerous assaults, and presumed gang rape which is covered-up by people working for The Good Shepherd, and various entities who have knowledge of these events.

  1. 108. Video is available on the internet that shows Aisha with Joseph Biden when she was approximately eleven or twelve years old. At that time Aisha and Jessica were forced from their home at Pier 7 Marina by people working for Anne Arundel County who were bribed through financial real estate transactions. Jessica experiences this identical theft and fraud at the trailer park home in Virginia bought for her by Joseph Auletta in 2018. 

  1. 109. In 2019, as Jessica investigated and uncovered massive fraud and criminal activity against her and her daughter, that exposes Larry Lowman, the Portland, Oregon Medical Examiner, for his role in harvesting Aisha’s organs, despite Aisha being registered as a non-organ donor on her Oregon identification registry. Lowman retired during Jessica’s investigation, coinciding with the breaking-news regarding Jeffrey Epstein.

  1. 110. Retirements of people such as Larry Lowman, shutdowns of facilities and entities, such as Alphabay and The Good Shepherd, disappearances of people, such as Jeffrey Epstein, Deborah Palfrey, Alexandres Cazes, etcetera, withheld proof by people working for the U.S. Government, and documentation removal from the internet placed there by Jessica showing these crime is a repeated pattern proving the racketeering crime that Jessica and Aisha are victims of, as well as career promotions for perpetrators, such as Stephen Kehoe, Edward Norris and President Joseph Biden after committing crimes against Jessica and Aisha with impunity.

  1. 111. Numerous fraudulent lawsuits to payoff accomplices for crimes against Jessica and Aisha, including Virginia Roberts are established. Due this fact Jessica believes that identical fraud is committed by people acting as victims from The Good Shepherd in Baltimore City Case Number 24-C-24-001170, by perpetrators acting as victims to coverup their crimes against Aisha. 

  1. 112. A woman calling herself Khlevlan Brown, using email address, contacts Jessica since approximately 2018. Jessica believes Khlevlan is the mother of the two-hundred pound teenager who assaulted Aisha while Aisha was forced to live at The Good Shepherd facility in Baltimore, Maryland. 

  1. 113. The large teen who assaulted Aisha at The Good Shepherd Catholic Charities facility, caused Aisha to be sent to a hospital emergency room with a severe head concussion after she bashed Aisha’s head into a cinderblock wall, and tried to break Aisha’s ankle by stomping on it with all her weight while Aisha was approximately seventy to eighty pounds and defenseless due to people employed as staff allowing these multiple attacks against Aisha. 

  1. 114. Jessica believes the Baltimore City case filed by Slater, Slater Schulman LLP, against The Good Shepherd Catholic Charities is identical fraud to the fraudulent settlements given to Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplice Virginia Giuffre, formerly Virginia Roberts, which establishes a clear pattern of perpetrators paid to play victims in fraudulent documentation in both court and media. This action is also shown in the fraudulent shutdown of Alphabay which paid people working for the FBI, who operate drug trafficking for the U.S. Jessica knows these are facts because she is a victim of the crimes, and knows that victims are abused and covered-up by people working for the U.S. rather than aided in justice, truth and restitution. 

  1. 115. Jessica knows without doubt that Jeffery Epstein’s accomplices were paid to play the fictitious role of victim as a part of the coverups. Likewise, people working for the FBI operation drug trafficking for the U.S. were without doubt paid in civil asset forfeitures as accomplices to drug and sex trafficking crimes. 

  1. 116. Payoffs to accomplices is also present in career promotions of Stephen Kehoe, who was promoted from a Circuit to Appellate Court Judge after he committed defamation against Jessica. Stephen Kehoe recused himself from the false case against Jessica pressed by Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplices Ed Norris and Joseph Gamble in Talbot County, Maryland. Ed Norris, also received a promotion for his role in Jeffery Epstein’s sex trafficking operation, receiving a staring role in the television show ‘The Wire’ through HBO. Likewise, Joseph Biden was promoted to President of the U.S. after raping Aisha when she was a child. 

  1. 117. The fraudulent charges against Jessica after speaking out is to silence, torment, and murder her in jail and coverup the crimes committed against her and Aisha. Despite the malfeasance, omissions, and destruction of proof of this truth by people working for the U.S. Government, each assertion made by Jessica of her testimony is provable.

  1. 118. While Jessica investigated the rapes, assaults and forced sterilization to prevent Aisha from childbearing, The Good Shepherd Catholic Charities facility was shutdown, occurring one year from Aisha’s escape. The Baltimore Sun published the article announce the shutdown one year later on the date Aisha was murdered according to official records. 

  1. 119. Aisha was forced into several Government subsidized facilities by Kathleen and Kenneth Fisher, while they spent exorbitant money on their daughter, Julia’s wedding at the Carnegie Library in Washington D.C. which cost over $22,000 in rental fees at the time.

  1. 120. Jessica and Aisha's family members have not investigated any of the crimes committed against Jessica and Aisha due to the fact that they were, and remain complicit in these criminal acts against Jessica and Aisha, of which they do not want to held responsible for, nor do they want discovered.

  1. 121. Aisha was forced to climb a tree in the courtyard at The Good Shepherd Catholic Charities facility, demanding to see her mother, due to Kathleen Fisher keeping Aisha hostage in the facility. Jessica believes without doubt that Aisha was raped prior to this traumatic event, due to the drastic action taken by Aisha to climb a tree, and at the next opportunity run away from the facility. Aisha’s counselor, was called to the facility, instead of her mother, to talk her down from the tree. Jessica believes this man may be called, Bruce Clopein, however whomever Aisha’s counselor was, Aisha acted very strange when speaking about him, which is why Jessica suspects his behavior was inappropriate, based on Aisha description of her counselor. 

  1. 122. Aisha informed Jessica that she was told by doctors who Kathleen Fisher forced her to see, that Aisha was sterilized and prevented from having children by doctors without her consent, against her will and without her knowledge. 

  1. 123. Jessica is prevented by people working for Catholic Charities, The State of Maryland and Kathleen and Kenneth Fisher, from acquiring records and proof of these crimes, through deliberate withholding of documents and information to conceal the crimes and abuses Aisha suffered at The Good Shepherd and Mountain Manor Treatment facilities that AIsha was forced to endure by Kathleen and Kenneth Fisher. 

  1. 124. Jessica has uncovered multiple fraudulent lawsuits in addition the settlements for Jeffery Epstein’s accomplices, Virginia Roberts and others, which coverup the crimes committed against Aisha and Jessica by people associated with Mountain Manor, The Good Shepherd, and Johns Hopkins Hospital, as perpetrators and accomplices allege they are the victims when in fact they are the actual perpetrators.

  1. 125. Due to Jessica exposing these crimes of people working for the U.S. Government, Jessica was attacked where she was living in her home at Chincoteague Bay Trails End Association, where people living there have been bribed to cause Jessica problems in her living environment, which also occurred circa 2007, to cause Jessica and her children to be forced from a location where they had enjoyed stability in their living environment. 

  1. 126. These acts of forced movement is conspired by real estate developers, County Officials, and people working for U.S. Intelligence Agencies. The Pier Seven Marina, where Jessica and her children were living circa 2007, was interrupted by people working for Anne Arundel County, along with John and Robin Kline, Edward Cadle, and associates in that area of Virginia have further victimized Jessica at her home, which was purchased for her by Joseph Auletta. These actions include deliberate property damages, persistent harassment, repeated trespassing, unauthorized cutting down of privacy trees, damaging water lines, threatening to remove electric utilities, causing the RV to leak by pulling open seams, unauthorized surveying of Jessica’s property, altering property lines without permission. These people have withheld proof of their wrongdoing from Jessica and acted to steal her property in conspiracy. Jessica's dog called Carmen was also poisoned by people in Trails End in and added attempt to force Jessica to sell her home. 

127. After Jessica returned to her home after an unjustified year in solitary confinement, wherein all charges were dropped under the fraud of insanity, Jessica all her privacy stripped from her land. She learned that she was surrounded by these people, who acted through threats, intimidation, trespass, property damage, and unjustified fines to cause Jessica serious harm for the subsequent two years until in 2024, additional false charges were brought against Jessica, aided by family members who have also in the past committed identical harm against Jessica, stealing from her when people working for the U.S. Government forced Jessica in to homelessness in the State of California, when 

Government and Media Complicity:

  1. 128. Because Jessica and Aisha are the victims of Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Biden and others who are being covered up by massive fraud in media and U.S. courts, Jessica has been subjected to the cruel and severe abuse by people working for the U.S. Government in order for them to hide the fact that the U.S. Government is operating as an authoritarian criminal regime.

  1. 129. Jessica suffers irreparable defamation by people acting as journalists and working for the United States Government. These people have gained Jessica’s trust through deception, and exploit Jessica as part of a concerted effort to profit from defamation to discredit and silence her truthful testimony. 

  1. 130. Jessica suffers severe emotional and physical torment related to her having to defend herself from the orchestrated campaign of intimidation and defamation by people coordinated efforts as Government employees utilizing intelligence agencies’ technology. These unrelenting abuses prevent Jessica from documenting the serious crimes she is a victim and witness to, which proves the United States Government is operating as a criminal regime.

  1. 131. Jessica suffers irreparable harm from abuse against her and her property by people denying her justice in order to suppress the truth for the past seven years of seeking assistance to prove these facts. 

  1. 132. Rupert Murdoch defamed Jessica and Aisha through fraudulent media stories and actions to coverup that Jessica and Aisha are victims of Jeffrey Epstein and President Joseph Biden. Rupert Murdoch’s company, Storyful is responsible for covering up Jessica and Aisha to protect the reputations of his high-profile clients, using YouTube, The Washington Post, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, CNN and FOX News.

  1. 133. Rupert Murdoch’s defamation inflicting grave and far-reaching harm to Jessica’s life and family, Jessica has come under violent attacks by people with affiliations within Masonic societies, leading to false arrests each election year, poisoning of her dog Carmen, concerted attempts to steal her home through real estate fraud, and exploiting of Jessica’s situation to prevent her from completing her memoir and filing of this lawsuit. 

  1. 134. Jessica disseminates facts to the public on social media proving she and Aisha are the Jeffrey Epstein victims of the coverup, however YouTube, Twitter, Tik Tok and Facebook suspend and remove Jessica’s accounts, denying Jessica access to millions of people who show concern and support. In so doing, they've silenced Jessica’s voice and prevent vital public dialogue, leaving Jessica in isolation in a continued effort to murder Jessica, similar to Aisha.

  1. 135. Jessica knows without doubt that her daughter is the underage victim, used as the catalyst in the 2019 Jeffrey Epstein Media and Government coverup of the forced sex trafficking. Jessica declares that she is the only known victim silenced, libeled, arrested under false charges, her home stolen through damages, harassment, her dog poisoned and killed, and journalist befriending her through fraud, to exploit information and defame her in the setup for Jessica to be murdered.

  1. 136. Media and Government agents are staging fake deaths to allow people to evade justice, and deny Jessica restitution in these cases. The United States Government lacks the financial capacity to pay for pain and suffering inflicted upon Jessica, in this severe form of forced Government sex trafficking, which led to the murder and permanent loss of her daughter, Aisha, as well as the loss of her time and opportunities since the forced sex trafficking began in 2002. 

  1. 137. Making matters worse, Christopher Lionel Dorsey, posing as a journalist, befriended Jessica under false pretenses to exploit her for information. Dorsey concealed his connections to politicians, drug trafficking, and his long-term relationship with Pharmacist Assistant Amanda Williams. Continuing his deception, he engaged in a sexual relationship with Jessica from 2018 until 2024, all while pretending to assist in proving that Jessica and Aisha are victims connected to the Jeffrey Epstein and Joseph Biden coverup, while actively participating in the coverup himself. 

  1. 138. Chris's deceit is evident in his early recording of Jessica, where he coerced her into making a frivolous threat, which he then used to manipulate her when she questioned his strange behavior stemming from his lies about his live-in common-law wife Amanda. His numerous invitations of Jessica to his house further demonstrate that he only coaxed the frivolous non-threat as a tool to manipulate Jessica. 

  1. 139. Chris’s exploitation of Jessica and Aisha as victim of the Epstein and Palfrey, among others cases, prevented Jessica from pursuing lawsuits, and documentation from 2018 until 2024. Further, Chris instructed Jessica to make arguments in court that he knew, while true, would lead the prosecution and judges to inflict harm upon Jessica. He refused to appear at the proceedings, claiming that he would be arrested if he did so, thereby evading accountability for his actions.

  1. 140. Jessica’s proof and testimony exploited by Chris was covered-up while Chris aided false charges against Jessica. Chris's deceitful portrayal of his relationship with Jessica left her vulnerable and alone, as he enjoyed the safety of his established long-term relationship with Amanda. By fooling Jessica into maintaining a relationship under false pretenses, Chris created circumstances that she would not have otherwise found herself in, contributing to the false charges against her.

  1. 141. Jessica endured continuous defamation by journalists, including Myra Ruiz and Nigel Jaquiss. Ruiz reported Anna Barrero's family to be refugees fleeing for safety, despite their involvement in drug trafficking in the U.S. They utilized the United States Postal Service to distribute fentanyl, which underscores the direct United States involvement in the hundreds of thousands of fentanyl-related deaths of Americans.

  1. 142. Nigel Jaquiss framed Aisha as a drug addict, disregarding the fact that she was a victim of forced government sex trafficking. He also failed to mention that her death was witnessed by a Russian trafficker, Robert Anthony Boroja, who was residing in the United States without legal residency. Additionally, Jaquiss neglected to report that Khleborod and Barrero were in the country illegally and exclusively used the United States Postal Service for shipping. 

  1. 143. Chris has receives payoffs for aiding the coverup of Jessica and Aisha as the victim of Epstein’s ring. Chris admitted to an attempt to blackmail Samuel Perkins, and Joseph Auletta, identical to Terrell Lee Gravely. Chris enjoyed income, donations, improved housing from his exploitation and defamation of Jessica.

Summary on Facts of Case:

The United States of America has an obligation to defend its people and uphold justice but engages in criminal activity against Jessica, violating RICO laws, and the Sex Trafficking Act of 2000, that notes hindrances to justice for victims stems from Government involvement in these crimes. By stealing, destroying, concealing, manipulating proof of these crimes, and fabricating false accusations against Jessica, it acts as a criminal authoritarian regime, placing young, innocent Americans in identical danger. The widespread forced homelessness, juxtaposed support for illegal aliens, and approximately 100,000 annual fentanyl deaths through USPS shipments demonstrate U.S. complicity. 

Despite the criminal actions of Governmental Officials, Jessica’s proven her testimony can be substantiated through discovery. The deliberate concealment of proof by Defendants and their financial beneficiaries leads to systemic abuse, obstructing justice preventing Jessica from restitution. The imbalance of power and withheld resources transforms the pursuit of justice into a tool for Jessica’s oppressors, necessitating the documentation of these facts as a last resort to secure the truth in the event their planned murder of Jessica is successful. 


Forced and Coerced Sex Trafficking through Fraud by U.S. Government Employees

Legal Grounds: Violations of Federal and State sex trafficking laws prohibit forced and coerced sex trafficking by fraud of U.S. Officials, and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). It is unlawful and illegal to recruit, harbor, transport, provide, or obtain people for the purpose of commercial sex acts through force, fraud, or coercion. 

Factual Basis:

Forced Sex Trafficking is established by the fact that Jessica was sex trafficked by former police chief Edward Norris, special agent Deborah Palfrey and Terrell Gravely, CIA Director Kyle Fagoo, U.S. Air Force Joesph Auletta, U.S. Army Samuel Perkins, and U.S. Marine David Burch. 

Fraud is established by the fact that the recruitment ad was placed by government law enforcement officers.

Coercion is established by Terry Gravely's act of forcibly confining Jessica in his apartment for two weeks, during which he prevented her from leaving and thus deprived her of her freedom, especially during a critical period such as her finals at school. 

Recruitment for commercial sex acts by fraud is established by the fact advertisement was placed by Law Enforcement Officials  Jeffery Epstein’s sex trafficking ring. accumulation of evidence, when viewed as a whole. The ambiguity of the advertisement, coupled with documented reports confirming its association with a prostitution ring directed by CIA agent Kyle Fagoo, known for international sex trafficking operations, establishes recruitment for commercial sex acts under fraud; any and all debate to the contrary is based on opinions, rather than provable facts. 

The advertisement documented its was directed by CIA agent Kyle Fagoo, running international sex trafficking operations, establishes recruitment for commercial sex acts under fraud. Any and all debate to the contrary is opinions, rather than fact.

Jurisdiction and Standing: Federal courts have jurisdiction to hear cases of forced sex trafficking by U.S. Officials in violation of Federal law. Jessica has standing as a,  and is asserting her right to seek legal redress for these violations.

False Imprisonment and Related Violations: 

Legal Grounds: Violations of guaranteed Constitutional rights in First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments; Free speech, religion, press, redress, secure property, due process, 

The violation of Jessica’s First Amendment rights involves violations of freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government. 

The timing of the false arrests coinciding with election years involving Joe Biden could be directly relevant to specific causes of action such as defamation, harm, or damages resulting from false arrest.

The false arrests have been proven both Maryland and Virginia each case, overwhelmingly establishing

 acts are numerous culminating in the answers given by prosecution and judge, claiming immunity rather than refute Jessica’s testimony that they held trail without Jessica. The Fourth Amendment supports the case against unlawful arrest and detention, protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. Additionally, the Fifth Amendment is pertinent to the deprivation of money and property without due process of law, marking the illegal loss of assets. These Constitutional rights collectively provide the basis for addressing violations including false imprisonment, defamation, and the unlawful deprivation of property.

Factual Basis: 

Jessica unequivocally establishes that she was deliberately and falsely charged and imprisoned on two separate occasions in Maryland and Virginia, providing detailed accounts of these incidents as irrefutable evidence. 

False Charges in Virginia (2020-2021): 

Despite Jessica’s absence, the judge and prosecutor testified in writing to her presence at a trial that falsified a declaration of insanity. Their responses to a previous lawsuit did not refute these facts; instead, they alleged immunity from prosecution. Their answers and actions constitutes direct violations of Jessica's First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights, proving false imprisonment and defamation.

False Charges in Maryland (2022-Present): 

Assault and Ignored Medical Condition: Following an assault by my sister-in-law, resulting in a head concussion, I was forcibly expelled from her residence. Despite the documented head concussion, law enforcement and attorneys ignored my medical condition, proceeding to subject me to a sobriety test. 

Legal Conflicts and Unfair Opposition: Lawsuits against the judge and prosecutor led to the judge's recusal from the case, yet the prosecutor, implicated in identical misconduct, remained. Additionally, the Attorney General, aware of prior victimization, pitted approximately six female attorneys against me in an unfair legal battle, creating an uneven playing field.

False Arrest Warrant and Denied Court Access: The warrant for my arrest is based on false premises. Despite agreeing to appear in court under video-recorded circumstances for my safety, I was denied access to the courtroom, necessary due to past experiences of misconduct and violence within the legal system.

Conflict of Interest: Sheriff Joseph Gamble, who is pressing the false charges, previously worked for Ed Norris, who was involved in trafficking Jessica with Deborah Palfrey. This association establishes a clear conflict of interest, given their close past association.

Jurisdiction and Standing: Jessica has the standing to have this court, with Federal jurisdiction, hear this case regarding overt abuse of power by Maryland State Employees, including the arresting police, Joseph Gamble, and the involved lawyers. They have deployed force and violence against Jessica, an innocent woman, forcing her to flee her home for safety and incurring tens of thousands of dollars in financial losses. This has resulted in Jessica being forced into a homeless situation, disrupting her entire life. Such egregious actions warrant Federal intervention to address the harm inflicted upon Jessica.

Conspiracy: The Defendants did and continue to conspire with Government Officials, Media corporations, and individuals engaging in unlawful activities against Jessica and Aisha, constituting violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

Pattern of Racketeering: The commission of multiple acts, including the abduction of Jessica's daughter in 2013 by individuals commissioned by Government Officials, murder, and subsequent coverup benefiting the FBI, lack of Official investigations into these crimes against Jessica and Aisha, destruction and withholding of evidence, ongoing forced control by Joseph Auletta under forced sex trafficking, false imprisonment, and defamation by Maryland and Virginia Officials, media coverups relating to Deborah Palfrey, Kyle Dustin Fagoo, Edward Norris, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Alphabay, denial of victimization in these high-profile indictments, false charges every election year to silence Jessica, repeated defamation by U.S. Officials despite overwhelming corroborated evidence and testimony proving Jessica is a victim of Jeffrey Epstein, harassment on Jessica's property by individuals associated with Jeffrey Epstein's ring, and damages caused by these individuals to steal Jessica's home, trespassing, harassment, and fraudulent fines by a HOA for financial gain, including the cutting down of privacy trees on her land while evidence was withheld, further demonstrate a pattern of racketeering activity solely against Jessica. Despite the clear connections between these crimes, the media and Government Officials refuse to acknowledge them, establishing a coordinated effort by these individuals within and corroborating with the United States Government engaging in unlawful activities against Jessica and Aisha’s rights and known protests. 

Existence of an Enterprise: The Defendants in this case demonstrate the existence of individuals acting in unison against Jessica, with the intention to defame, exploit and coverup crimes committed against Jessica and Aisha, and ultimately, cause Jessica’s murder, mirroring the murder of Aisha. This criminal enterprise comprises corporate entities, including Government agencies with individuals, agents, and other human associates implicated in this conspiracy against Jessica and Aisha. 

These individuals all share beliefs that support and act on behalf of the U.S. Government that is in violation Jessica and Aisha’s right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, in favor of commerce laws. This supports terrorist activity by organizations, in chief Israel, and by the U.S. Government, promoting world-wide authoritarian fraud against the larger population of people. These identical mentalities and criminal acts against Jessica and Aisha with direct, indirect, known and unknown profits through association and complicity, exhibits a consistent pattern of behavior against the known wills, and guaranteed, autonomous rights of Jessica and Aisha, causing them severe pain and suffering without recourse. 

Overt crimes intended to inflict pain and suffering were in general absent during the period when Jessica was forced into sex trafficking against her will, and prior to her speaking to the public about the Government Officials involved in trafficking her, highlighting the correlation between her voiced complaints, and the subsequent targeting and victimization by these individuals.


Intent: Jessica demonstrates that the Defendants had the intent to participate in the affairs of this enterprise through the commission of racketeering acts. The Defendants engaged in, and conspired to engage in a pattern of racketeering activity with the purpose of furthering the enterprise's objectives or interests, through deliberate neglect, omissions, obstruction and false denial. 

Each Defendant was aware or should have been aware of their crimes against Jessica and Aisha. This awareness can be inferred from their maturity, protests from Jessica and Aisha themselves, their official positions, and Jessica's public advocacy. 

The Intelligence Community, with its investigative mandate, and direct involvement should have been cognizant of these matters, and  but instead played a role in concealing the direct harm and damages caused by these individuals. 

Further evidence supporting this awareness is found in Joseph Auletta's letter to Virginia Judges involved in the false charges against Jessica in 2020. In the letter, Auletta admits that one of the Presidential Candidates for the 2016 election had contacted him via a third party to request that his name remain quiet because Jessica was trafficked to that candidate. 

Direct or Indirect Involvement: Jessica needs to establish that the defendants were directly or indirectly involved in the commission of the racketeering acts or were associated with the enterprise in some capacity. This could include active participation in the illegal activities, coordination or facilitation of the criminal conduct, or knowing association with the enterprise despite not directly committing the acts. 

Causation: Jessica must demonstrate a causal connection between the defendants' actions and the harm she suffered as a result of the racketeering activity. This involves showing that the defendants' conduct directly contributed to or resulted in her injuries, losses, or damages attributable to the racketeering scheme. 

Continuity: Jessica needs to prove that the pattern of racketeering activity is ongoing or poses a threat of continuing into the future. This may involve demonstrating that the defendants engaged in a series of related acts over time or that there is a likelihood of future criminal conduct if the racketeering activities are not addressed. 

Enterprise Nexus: Jessica must establish a nexus between the racketeering activity and the enterprise. This entails demonstrating that the defendants conducted or participated in the affairs of the enterprise through the pattern of racketeering activity, furthering the enterprise's objectives, or exploiting its resources for illicit purposes.

Coverup of Aisha’s Murder: The Defendants in this case have conspired to cover up the murder of Jessica’s daughter, Aisha, through unlawful attacks against Jessica, omission of facts, tampering and destruction of evidence, fraud under maritime and related law against the Law of the Land, obstruction of justice, defamation, harassment, intimidation, stalking, and the withholding of crucial evidence related to Aisha’s murder investigation, all aimed at impeding Jessica’s pursuit of justice and accountability for her daughter’s murder, evident not only in Jeff Session, Andrew McCabe and Ron Rosenstein

Defamation: The Defendants in this case have engaged in defamation through their deliberate omission of known facts, which served to tarnish Jessica's reputation and obstruct justice. Each of the Defendants, including entities not comprised of individuals, are fully aware of Jessica's sound mental state and the ongoing abuse she endures due to the cover-up of her and her daughter's forced sex trafficking by law enforcement agencies, including the police, CIA, FBI, and associated U.S. government agencies and corporations. It is evident that Jessica is owed significantly more in restitution than was paid in fraudulent settlements to other alleged victims, such as Virginia Roberts, as evidence obtained through discovery will reveal that Jessica and her daughter are the specific victims being concealed by the massive fraud perpetrated against them. Furthermore, it will be shown that if the United States government agents and agencies involved in the convictions of Deborah Palfrey, Kyle Fagoo, Ed Norris, and Jeffrey Epstein had provided assistance to Jessica, she would have reclaimed her life over two decades ago, and Aisha's tragic murder could have been prevented. This illustrates how Jessica and Aisha were victims not only of their families' abusive control but also of the complicit aid provided to the U.S. government to cover up their victimization. 

Sex Trafficking and Related Abuse: Allegations of forced sex trafficking and abuse by identifiable individuals and entities, with specific instances and dates.

Defamation and Media Manipulation: Claims of false narratives spread by media personalities and outlets, intended to discredit and silence you.

Government Complicity and Cover-Up: Assertions that government agencies and officials have actively concealed crimes and protected perpetrators.

Direct Harm, Pain and Suffering: Instances of physical, emotional, and financial harm as direct consequences of the actions taken by the accused parties.


Jessica requires the man or woman in charge of this court to act upon the following:

  • A restraining order against all people working in Law Enforcement for the United States of America. 
  • Dismal of all allegations against Jessica Leigh Collins by people working for The United States of America.
  • operating as a criminal regime without true by Joseph Gamble of the Talbot County Sheriffs Office. 
  • Immediate dismissal of the fraudulent DUI and associated charges against Jessica wherein she displays clear and acute symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury ignored and covered up by people acting as involved Lawyers and Police.
  • Immediate emergency restitution in the amount of ten million dollars so Jessica can safe guard her life;
  • A declaration that the actions of Defendants and their associates are unlawful and in violation of Jessica’s rights as a sovereign woman with guaranteed Constitutional rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness;
  • All proceedings in this lawsuit are to occur through Zoom, or other comparable media video to ensure lucidity, accountability, and the safety of Jessica.


If this document is to be debated, Jessica requires all discussions rare held via internet-based technology to protect Jessica’s life and liberty, and to ensure complete transparency by all people involved.


Jessica emphasizes that this lawsuit is written in the modern-day common American English, and not legalese, to ensure clarity and understanding of the claims and allegations made.

Respectfully filed in this court to ensure documentation of these crimes against Jessica Leigh Collins. 

[Attachments: Exhibits, Witness List, and Supporting Documents]

333 Constitution Ave NW, 

Washington, DC 20001

Jessica Leigh Collins

6163 Nautilus Dive 

Horntown, VA 23395

Above it the lawsuit I, Jessica leigh collins work on for the past months to document the events that have lead to my current situation where family betrays me, and people working for The United State of America, rulers who are operating as a communist authoritarian regime torture me for telling the truth. -Jessica Leigh Collins April 12, 2024