In 2017 when my daughter was murdered by Robert Anthony Boroja the Russian sex trafficking hacker, the United States Government and media denied the truth about the circumstances. The FBI covered up Aishas murder and profited 24 million dollars.
Aishas murder began my investigation into our past. I took a writing class in Winter 2018 and started writing my memoir.
By June of 2019, it became clear someone had a problem with my investigations and documentary after I was T-boned in a parking lot, and denied service to fix my vehicle through Ghislaine Maxwells trial.
I have spent the majority of every waking hour since February 15, 2017 to get justice for my daughter. It is harder to complete my memoir due a steady increase in accomplices who are attempting to force me into silence. I wish to live my life in peace, and honor my daughters by writing my memoir to document the facts of our lives.
If one would like to support efforts to complete the memoir, repair the damages to home, and aid in lawsuits against DOJ & media use the yellow link:

Fall Semester 2002 at The Catholic University of America
In 2002, in my fourth year in Architecture school I unknowingly answered an ad for the DC Madam. The ad read: "Must be 23 years old. Must have at least two years education. Must have proportionate body". My testimony is different than media accounts because I saw the ad. I know what it stated at that time. I kept the ad for ten years and in 2009, the man that abducted me for the DC Madam in 2002, that caused me to loose my education, manipulated his way into my life and stole the ad.

December 2002 Abducted by The DC Madam
In December 2002, in the last two (2) weeks of my finals at The Catholic University of America, I refused to cooperate with the DC Madam. I was then abducted by a man from Lynchburg, Virginia who worked for Deborah Palfrey. He claimed he was helping me get away from the people that were trafficking me, but he was just further setting me up.
He claimed to be related to Jerry Falwell founder of Liberty University, and moved me into an apartment in Washington D.C. I called the police when he became violent, and an officer that resembled Ed Norris, in stature and demeanor let him stay inside my apartment for close to an hour while he downloaded a key logger on my computer.
The police took him away, but there was a disingenuous quality to his voice when he hollered on the way to the police car, "You don't know who you're ____ with. You don't know who I am. You better _______".
This man has jumped in and out of my life a couple of times, each time stealing my property and evidence. I trusted him natively because he postulated as a protector and savior when I couldn't handle things myself.

2003 Trafficked by Joe Biden to Mexico for a "Honeymoon"
In 2003, I met Joe Biden for the first time with a small petite older woman with blond cropped hair. I lost track of her because she had a cocaine problem and had to get herself drugs. The three (3) of us met a not so clean hotel that gave me the creeps.
Later took me to Manzanillo, Mexico for three (3) days. I suspect that the only reason he took me to Mexico was to have my apartment wired with surveillance because I had gotten a second apartment so I could have my children with me.
We stayed overnight in Texas and left from Regan Airport in a small business plane we walked on the tarmac to get on. On the way back to Texas from Mexico, I got into an argument with him because he was holding my hand against my known wishes in public. The woman at the airport were kind enough to help me get home after he left me in Mexico, and stated "Good luck getting back without a/your passport" which was strange because I didn't have a passport.
I was very embarrassed to be seen with him, as he looked nine (9) months pregnant to me. He told the people at the resort that we were newly weds to get a discount on the all inclusive stay. He was not friendly or happy similar to Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Winestein demeanors.
The white linen dress photographed is the one Joe Biden bought me when he took me into the tiny town to go shopping. The photo was taken in Fort Washington Park by Rodney Mickle who was also impedimental in trafficking me. More (to come asap).

Owner of the Washington DC City Paper & Politico
In 2003, Joe Allbritton was closely involved with trafficking me. He claimed he was from Greece, and the reason I know the man that he claims is his son, who now owns Politico, is not his son, is because I was at his condo in the Washington DC area near my apartment in College Park, MD. Joe and his wife Barbara was there, and their daughter ______ who is now a dermatologist near Chevy Chase, Maryland. She was there when Joe Allbritton has my children stay with him... more asap

2003 CIA Handler Joseph Auletta Sex Trafficker
In 2003, after I was raped by Epstien and Windsor, I met a man named Joseph Auletta. He has maintained position as one of my closest confidents, but over time it became irrefutable that he was close to me to traffic and control me. He in fact has been the main person responsible for trafficking me. He is currently exacting serious crime against me, and hides behind the corruption of this system. He is by far the worst person to violate me. The photo on the table was taken by him while he was still an active duty Air Force Officer.
Aluetta is the one who aided Accomack County Virginia judges and attorneys in jailing under false charges to silence me through the election of Joe Biden. He is currently stripping me of my property with people that are willing to assist for financial profit. He has aided in destroying my ability to drive, and stealing back property he bought me. His goal is to make me homeless so he can manipulate me back into sex trafficking, or perhaps worse. No matte what his end goal for me is, he is without doubt the largest perpetrator against me. His demeanor is calm and intact, but he has much to hide. He refuses to answer all questions that incriminate him, and flat out lies about things he knows he can get away with.
Joseph Auletta received intent to sue in ≈February 2022. He moved within a week, and has refused to provide a current address for legal paperwork, while he continues to deposit $500 per month into my account, he has refused to make a phone call that would end the false charges, and has threaded to cut off all additional money. This is common tactic of Auletta's to force compliance to his will. Additionally, he has flat out lied about him providing all money for apartments where I was trafficked from at least 2011, and all housing since. He refuses to be held accountable to the truth that he trafficked me and my daughter through force and coercion and has continued to inflict extreme and severe emotional and physical torment meant to cause continued catastrophic problems for me, in order to bury the truth.
His current 2024 threat, with false charges is a setup by Edward Norris to be murdered in jail. Edward Norris and Joesph Gamble are accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein's. Sheriff Joseph Gamble, is another corrupt law enforcement agent wreaking havoc on good people across the world suppression the truth about Jeffrey Epstein's forced and coerced sex trafficking.

2004 - Samuel Perkins, Steptoe and Johnson law partner, Attempted to Traffic in Dupont Circle, Washington D.C. & London, England
Samuel Perkins is a partner at Steptoe and Johnson, the law firm that defended Jeffrey Epstein in 2008, after Terrell Lee Gravely blackmailed Sam Perkins, Joseph Auletta and David D. Burch. Joesph Auletta has admitted there was a meeting in the Pentagon about Terrells blackmail.
In 2004, Sam, a Yale Attorney arranged to take me to London, but as I have stated ad nauseam, I was not trafficked of my own free will. He established an apartment for me in Dupont Circle in Washington D.C. I only visited it a few times for a few hours. It stayed vacant the majority of the lease because I felt very uncomfortable with what was going on.
He took me to Cape May for a weekend that I do not remember at all. I suspect he may have drugged me because it was unusual and unexplainable. I remember the morning we left having Eggs Benedict, but that is it. He had strange torturous habits that were common among Jeffrey Epstein's crowd. They practices were well studied techniques or torture and medical devises. I fled to California when he made arrangements to take me London.
Sam has retired since I contacted him in 2022/23 in an attempt to correct his wrongs.

2017 FBI Committed Fraud in the Take Down of Alphabay
In 2017 I gave the Portland Police information that my daughter gave me because she trusted me more than anyone. The police took that information and used it to profit themselves. I wasn't;t told about the Alphabay case, I had to find through my own research because I knew the police were hiding things from me.

Answered ad unknowingly for The DC Madam placed in The City Paper for Washington D.C.
Produced video testimony on You Tube to attest that The DC Madam (aka Deborah Palfrey) trafficked me to Andrew Windsor and Jeffrey Epstein in 2002, for the reason that after I called the FBI to report these facts, as they instructed the public, my car was hit in a parking lot by a USAA members of the U.S. military. I was afraid that if I did not share my witness testimony with the public the information would be covered up by media and the Department of Justice if something happened to me.
Contacted by Joe Galvin of Storyful, a media intelligence agency that manages brand reputation for elite and contributes to the Washington Post and New York Post.
*Please be patient as this site in under construction and return for updates. The best place for information and updates in Twitter link. These facts are intended for my book, however that has been made impossible due to the retaliation for speaking out.